Year of the Warrior Princess
Year of the Warrior Princess
Nightal 3
By the start of the fourth day of the competition, only eight teams of contestants remain. With fewer exhibitions to entertain the crowds throughout the day, the party has more time to explore the island than in previous days, though the Emissary tries to keep them as busy
as possible. They decide to watch some of matches and enjoy some well earned time off.
as possible. They decide to watch some of matches and enjoy some well earned time off.
Overnight, Abadaran clerics and wizards in the Emissary’s service employed spells such as stone shape, transmute rock to mud, and create water to fill the fight stage with a pool of
watery mud, effectively transforming the ring into a giant swamp. Several islands of dark stone rise 6 inches out of the 4-foot-deep morass. Our heroes' foe in this quarterfinal round is the eunuch witch/bloatmage Hok Fong. The corpulent man derives his power equally from his pig familiar Xinai and the very blood that courses through his veins. Both he and the party buff up and the fight is on! Hok Fong employes several spells that keep both Riddick and Hannibal at bay for several rounds. During this time the witch flys up and starts to rain spells down on the other members of the party. Rusty cleverly uses his spells to try and get Riddick back in the match, while Landon leaps off of the rock and into the muddy water to escape getting hit by another fireball. Little does Landon know the water is infested with leech swarms! Barely escaping them he climbs back on to land. After several touch and go rounds Hok Fong is defeated in part by several dispel magics and by Azten landing a spell on him that renders him an idiot. Our party advances to the round of four!
watery mud, effectively transforming the ring into a giant swamp. Several islands of dark stone rise 6 inches out of the 4-foot-deep morass. Our heroes' foe in this quarterfinal round is the eunuch witch/bloatmage Hok Fong. The corpulent man derives his power equally from his pig familiar Xinai and the very blood that courses through his veins. Both he and the party buff up and the fight is on! Hok Fong employes several spells that keep both Riddick and Hannibal at bay for several rounds. During this time the witch flys up and starts to rain spells down on the other members of the party. Rusty cleverly uses his spells to try and get Riddick back in the match, while Landon leaps off of the rock and into the muddy water to escape getting hit by another fireball. Little does Landon know the water is infested with leech swarms! Barely escaping them he climbs back on to land. After several touch and go rounds Hok Fong is defeated in part by several dispel magics and by Azten landing a spell on him that renders him an idiot. Our party advances to the round of four!
As monks take away the trappings of the previous round and spell casters get to work setting the fight stage for the next match, the Emissary rises and speaks loudly to the crowd, announcing a challenge for all remaining contestants: the slaying of the brine dragon Huyanwo, who has ravaged the region of the island known as the Ridge of Graves for generations. Several of the remaining contestants look at one another to see if anyone else is taking the Emissary up on his challenge, but none react visibly in favor or against such a decision. Suddenly Hannibal and Landon speak up for the party - The Howling Commandos will take on the dragon! The crowd goes nuts! Other contestants look relieved and amused at this sudden turn of events. Carefully planning their route into Huyanwo's cave Riddick scopes out the lay of the land and the party uses a well cast silence spell to advance. Getting past several traps and a rusted iron gate, they surprise the dragon as he sleeps! Several acid traps are tripped and do cause some significant damage. Huyanwo gets off a breath weapon attack before he is slain, but the party makes it out alive with the dragons loot to boot.
Our Heroes come back with the dead dragon in tow. Rusty announces that barbecue dragon is on the menu for tonight! While he prepares the feast, the rest of the party takes on the test of skill for day 4. It consists of the party members surviving various feats of endurance while in specially made iron maidens. All tests are passed but one - The Drowning Idol. Seriade makes a valiant attempt but almost drowns and needs to be saved before the 4 minutes are up. Well done!
After sundown, the Emissary offers another night of festivities at the Grand Pavilion, featuring high wire acrobatics performances, fireworks, a tengu swordsmanship show, comedy skits, and elaborate puppet shows. Commoners and eliminated contestants join the festivities, but Marthysan is noticeably absent. When the paladin is called forth by the Emissary to participate in a stunt, even the wise Emissary seems surprised at his absence. Our party decides to investigate knowing that there have been some shady things going on during the tournament, themselves being ambushed just last night. They find the paladin’s quarters in New Harbor have been ransacked and see evidence of a struggle, including the dead body of a Tian woman covered in distinctive Xun tattoos marking her as a member of the Golden League. A search of her body reveals a folded piece of paper with Marthysan’s face sketched on it, the name of the inn, and the words “New Harbor docks, Zhentarium hand-off.” The party hurries down the harbor and finds a large cargo ship with a lot of activity going on deck. Riddick stealthy moves around and sees Risha and her Zhentarium team taking a bound Marthysan below decks to be tortured or worse. The party charges up the ship to rescue their friend! All hell breaks loose as deck hands raise the alarm and the Zhents come rushing back to the top deck. A very bloody fight ensues with Riddick dying just to be brought back to life by a dimension door cast by Rusty followed by a breath of life spell by Riddick's sister Seriade! In the same round the Zhents Cleric of Grummish, Mol Kor gathers his party together and teleports them somewhere far away. The Zhents were the parties semi-final match for tomorrow, now the Zhents will be declared ineligible and banned from the tournament forever. Certainly Risha and her allies will have an axe to grind with our heroes at some point in the future.
The party rescues Marthysan and take him to the Emissary. Everything is explained and the Emissary offers his thanks to the party. The party returns to their rooms for a well deserved rest. The 5th and final day of the tournament is tomorrow!