Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament day 4

Year of the Warrior Princess
Nightal 3
    By the start of the fourth day of the competition, only eight teams of contestants remain.  With fewer exhibitions to entertain the crowds throughout the day, the party has more time to explore the island than in previous days, though the Emissary tries to keep them as busy
as possible. They decide to watch some of matches and enjoy some well earned time off.
     Overnight, Abadaran clerics and wizards in the Emissary’s service employed spells such as stone shape, transmute rock to mud, and create water to fill the fight stage with a pool of
watery mud, effectively transforming the ring into a giant swamp. Several islands of dark stone rise 6 inches out of the 4-foot-deep morass. Our heroes' foe in this quarterfinal round is the eunuch witch/bloatmage Hok Fong. The corpulent man derives his power equally from his pig familiar Xinai and the very blood that courses through his veins.  Both he and the party buff up and the fight is on!  Hok Fong employes several spells that keep both Riddick and Hannibal at bay for several rounds.  During this time the witch flys up and starts to rain spells down on the other members of the party.  Rusty cleverly uses his spells to try and get Riddick back in the match, while Landon leaps off of the rock and into the muddy water to escape getting hit by another fireball.  Little does Landon know the water is infested with leech swarms!  Barely escaping them he climbs back on to land.  After several touch and go rounds Hok Fong is defeated in part by several dispel magics and by Azten landing a spell on him that renders him an idiot.  Our party advances to the round of four!
     As monks take away the trappings of the previous round and spell casters get to work setting the fight stage for the next match, the Emissary rises and speaks loudly to the crowd, announcing a challenge for all remaining contestants: the slaying of the brine dragon Huyanwo, who has ravaged the region of the island known as the Ridge of Graves for generations. Several of the remaining contestants look at one another to see if anyone else is taking the Emissary up on his challenge, but none react visibly in favor or against such a decision.  Suddenly Hannibal and Landon speak up for the party - The Howling Commandos will take on the dragon!  The crowd goes nuts!  Other contestants look relieved and amused at this sudden turn of events.  Carefully planning their route into Huyanwo's cave Riddick scopes out the lay of the land and the party uses a well cast silence spell to advance.  Getting past several traps and a rusted iron gate, they surprise the dragon as he sleeps!  Several acid traps are tripped and do cause some significant damage.  Huyanwo gets off a breath weapon attack before he is slain, but the party makes it out alive with the dragons loot to boot.
    Our Heroes come back with the dead dragon in tow.  Rusty announces that barbecue dragon is on the menu for tonight!  While he prepares the feast, the rest of the party takes on the test of skill for day 4. It consists of the party members surviving various feats of endurance while in specially made iron maidens.  All tests are passed but one - The Drowning Idol.  Seriade makes a valiant attempt but almost drowns and needs to be saved before the 4 minutes are up.  Well done!
     After sundown, the Emissary offers another night of festivities at the Grand Pavilion, featuring high wire acrobatics performances, fireworks, a tengu swordsmanship show, comedy skits, and elaborate puppet shows. Commoners and eliminated contestants join the festivities, but Marthysan is noticeably absent. When the paladin is called forth by the Emissary to participate in a stunt, even the wise Emissary seems surprised at his absence.  Our party decides to investigate knowing that there have been some shady things going on during the tournament, themselves being ambushed just last night. They find the paladin’s quarters in New Harbor have been ransacked and see evidence of a struggle, including the dead body of a Tian woman covered in distinctive Xun tattoos marking her as a member of the Golden League. A search of her body reveals a folded piece of paper with Marthysan’s face sketched on it, the name of the inn, and the words “New Harbor docks, Zhentarium hand-off.”  The party hurries down the harbor and finds a large cargo ship with a lot of activity going on deck.  Riddick stealthy moves around and sees Risha and her Zhentarium team taking a bound Marthysan below decks to be tortured or worse.  The party  charges up the ship to rescue their friend!  All hell breaks loose as deck hands raise the alarm and the Zhents come rushing back to the top deck.  A very bloody fight ensues with Riddick dying just to be brought back to life by a dimension door cast by Rusty followed by a breath of life spell by Riddick's sister Seriade!  In the same round the Zhents Cleric of Grummish, Mol Kor gathers his party together and teleports them somewhere far away.  The Zhents were the parties semi-final match for tomorrow, now the Zhents will be declared ineligible and banned from the tournament forever.  Certainly Risha and her allies will have an axe to grind with our heroes at some point in the future.
    The party rescues Marthysan and take him to the Emissary.  Everything is explained and the Emissary offers his thanks to the party.  The party returns to their rooms for a well deserved rest.  The 5th and final day of the tournament is tomorrow!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament day 3

Year of the Warrior Princess
Nightal 2
   The morning of the third day of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament is dismal and rainy. A steady drizzle lasts well into the afternoon, when the rain lets off, though thick gray cloud cover remains. Our heroes are in the stands watching a match when all three towers topple killing one the participants!  The Emissary stops the match and asks several of the teams present to take a look at the remains.  Azten uses his skill in architecture to determine that the stage was rigged to fail during the match.  The Emissary seems very disturbed by this news but is determined to have the games go on.  While the next match is being setup, the PCs are selected for an additional exhibition match because of their increasingly impressive performances thus far in the competition. Kiang Zhen approaches the party and asks them to select one representative to take part in the traditional “boar and tiger” fight, in which two contestants are tethered to wild animals and pitted against one another with the goal of  keeping their respective beasts alive.  To add to the challenge, both competitors are to be shacked to their beasts by a 15 foot chain.  The party chooses Hannibal as their champion, he will face a druid named Nearidei.  The Druid has been part of this challenge for several tournaments.  At the start of the contest, Nearidei uses his air walk to move 15 feet off the ground, and then casts a wall of thorns around his creature.  Not to be out done, Hannibal has an enlarge spell cast on him and with his reach weapon he makes short work of the druid and his animal!  The crowd cheers!  There is definitely something special about this group from Fearun. 
     Immediately after the our group completes the boar and tiger fight, Marthysan approaches them in the downtime between matches. The paladin seems concerned and asks if the PCs have encountered anything strange lately or heard any rumors that may not have reached his ears while he was focused on the tournament and other official business. He confirms the suspicions the PCs may have about sabotage of the three towers, and earnestly accepts any further insights they may have from their own investigations. Hearing himself summoned back to the Emissary’s side, Marthysan quickly cuts the conversation short and asks the PCs to meet the him at 9 p.m. at Yon Loi’s to discuss the situation. 
     During the PCs’ brief conversation with Marthysan, Ruby Phoenix monks carry hundreds of buckets of red-hot coals into the arena and spread them across the floor of the fight stage, noticeably raising the Grand Pavilion’s ambient temperature and filling the air with thin gouts of steam as stray raindrops hit the burning ground and vaporize. The Emissary calls out the Howling Commandos, summoning them to fight in the battle of the embers. They are instructed to remove any footwear and stand ready to fight atop the smoldering coals.  Their opponents - A group of bards calling themselves STYX, get up from their instruments and head into the ring.  During the 3 days of the games, they have made many fans, and have a great of support going into the match.  
      Both parties suffer some heat damage from the hot coals during the match, but ignore it for the most part.  The bards signature move is to cast confusion on the opposing party all the while using their bardic songs to bolster their own group or hinder our heroes.  Rusty is forced to unsummon Solomon as he was under confusion and was about to attack Hannibal.  Both Hannibal and Riddick suffer greatly from the confusion, but on the other side of the coin Seriade, Azten, and Landon for the most part shrug off the confusion and are able to counter the bards battle plan.  Slowly the bards lose control of the battle.  After the deaths of Tommy and James, the leader of the opposition, Dennis, surrenders!  The party advances to the round of 8.
     Later that night the party heads to the noodle house.  Yon Loi’s becomes less festive with each passing night, perhaps because each day sees more contestants eliminated from the contest, or because of the uncharacteristically dismal weather. In any case, the PCs find the noodle house largely vacant when they arrive to meet Marthysan. When 9 p.m. rolls around, the paladin is nowhere to be found, and the door opens to a false alarm as a stumbling-drunk local wanders in for a late meal.  Just moments later, the party is surprised by 3 tattooed assassins jumping down from the 2nd floor!  As the drunk patron looks on, the party engages the enemy.  Landon and Seriade look down to find their spell pouches have been stolen!  After several furious rounds two of the assassins die and the third goes invisible and makes it out the door.  Luckily Riddick is faster and catches him to bring back for some questioning.  At the same time Marthysan shows up outside and Hannibal tries to keep him busy with some questions.  Marthysan explains he was on the other side of the harbor and missed the ferry.  He had to make the trip on foot which is why he is several minutes late.  Inside, Rusty summons some creatures to try and make the assassin talk (and to help devour the dead assassins).  What the party does learn is that the assassins are members of the Golden League, which is a very powerful crime syndicate here in Kara-Tur.  Getting no further information from the assassin, Riddick puts him out his misery.  After questioning Marthysan a bit more (they don't completely trust his reason for being late), they decided to trust him enough to use his suite again to rest over night.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament day 2

Year of the Warrior Princess
Nightal 1

    Day 2 - dawn comes, and the Emissary’s monks walk from tent to tent with hot tea and bowls of rice porridge sweetened with sticks of sugarcane. New flags fly above the pavilion and the arena is set for the next event. The number of remaining contestants is half the number who began yesterday, but many of those who were eliminated now fill the grandstands, making the crowd seem even more overwhelming. Our party do night fight until later on in the day so they decide to take up the Emissary's test of Archery.  They are given 10 arrows to shoot anyway they would like at 3 targets.  Target 1 is a normal target, target 2 is blurred and target 3 is displaced.  They need to get to 60 points to win the grand prize and decide to shoot solely at target three.  The crowd is excited as the 60 point goal comes down to their remaining arrow.  Riddick shoots, and... Misses due to the displacement!  They crowd groans but then claps for our team as they did a honorable job on the test.
     Exhibition 2: In the early afternoon, our heroes are instructed to go to the bluff known as the Wall of Seven Winds, a 120-foot vertical cliff between New Harbor and the Grand Pavilion where the winds are known to always be particularly strong. As the party approaches, they see the wind whip across the curved, sheer cliff that surrounds the cove, roiling the deep water below into a white-capped froth. Several dozen boats bob on the rough water, their decks crowded with eager spectators focused on the cliff top. The PCs find Marthysan the Righteous standing before a small crowd atop the bluff. Marthysan gives each PC a pair of silk slippers (slippers of spider climbing) and instructs them to put them  on. Their fight is to take place on the side of the Wall of Seven Winds, where they are to face off against Orometsu Yasi, known as the White Warrior, as well as a band of monks to
even the odds. Marthysan explains that if a contestant lands in the water they are automatically disqualified.  There are also two sorcerers on boats below that have been hired to cast feather fall in case a contestant is knocked off the wall.  Orometsu is a stoic woman dressed entirely in white, with polished ivory-toned armor and a helm interwoven with the intricate braids of black hair upon her head; she bows nobly at the PCs before walking over the edge of the cliff, climbing down the wall to a height of 60 feet, and stopping to wait for the PCs to engage her.  A furious fight ensues with the monks trying to trip our party off the wall while our party uses combat manuvers to get in close for some real damage.  The monks suceed early on by tripping Azten who falls for some serious damage at a height of almost 100 feet.  He is surprised when no one casts feather fall on him as he hits the rocks that lie just a few feet under the waves.  Next to go down is one of Orometsu's months courtesy of Seriade's dispel on her slippers!  Orometsu does land some blows but is finally defeated.  Marthysan congratulates the party and then asks the sorcerers why they missed casting feather fall on Azten.  Their reply was they were distracted by a fan of the tournament and missed it when he fell.
    Round 2: immediately after the completion of the PCs’ exhibition round against Orometsu Yasi, the Emissary summons them back to the Grand Pavilion for their official second round match. In the center of the arena stand three towershaped scaffolds constructed of wood and metal. Tangles of rope ladders connect two fighting platforms, one 20 feet above the ground and the other 40 feet above it.  They are allowed one minute to prepare for battle.  They opponent is a beautiful female human oracle named Ganyaveha.
Beautiful but deadly
    Ganyaveha rushes around the battle field using her speed from a potion of haste.  She also has a ring of blink which she activates.  The first few rounds finds her getting be best of the party as she sticks Riddick with several shots from her kukri of life stealing critting him and taking off 2 levels!  Landon also gets critted for a negative level.  Eventually targeted dispels from Azten and Seriade as well as solid tactics from Hannibal win the day.  The crowd cheers wildly as our heroes from Faerun live to fight another day.
    As the head back to Yon Loi’s noodle house for some relaxation, they come across a bloodied and bruised local man huddled on the side of the path the door. as the group approaches him, he shies away from them, muttering something about not knowing what he was getting into. Landon and Seriade calm him with a simple assurance that they mean him no harm, at which point he introduces himself as Donguma. He gladly shares his woes with the PCs, detailing his recent run-in with a gang of Golden League enforcers who came to collect a debt from yesterday’s round of competition. When he explained to the thugs that he would have their money once tomorrow’s round was over, they told him he wouldn’t be able to place any more bets and would need to pay them back in blood. After beating him, they took the few pieces of silver he had on him and left him lying in the street. Donguma warns
the PCs not to get involved in betting on the tournament this year, because he and some of his friends think some of the matches have been rigged, and he notes that he is evidence of what a mess a person can get into backing the wrong contestant.  Seriade cast a cure spell on him and most of his bruises go away.  He thanks the party and takes leave of them.
    The noodle house is busting with townsfolk and contestants tonight.  Many tales are spread about strange goings on... word has spread that several contestants have come down with strange maladies from more than just the tainted wine. The PCs overhear reports of several contestants collapsing during their exhibition matches, and even one who lost all muscle control while fighting in the arena on a bed of hot coals. In each case, tournament healers diagnosed the problem as poison, though the specific draughts and methods of delivery seem to vary from case to case. To ward off suspicion and keep business flowing, Yon Loi has hired a local cleric of Qi Zhong, god of healing, magic, and medicine, to inspect all the food in the restaurant before it is served. Finally, PCs learn that an entire team of contestants who were set to compete against the hobgoblin champion Gomwai were found dead this evening along the treacherous, abandoned coast known as the Ridge of Graves. The nagaji warriors, known as the Nagas' Children, were known to utilize debilitating,  ability draining attacks, and were favored to win tomorrow’s bout. Their bodies were identifiable only by magic, as severe acid wounds had distorted their forms beyond recognition. Rumors circulating around the noodle house indicate that the Nagas' Children had boasted of going to take on the dragon Huyanwo, who is believed to lair near the Ridge of Graves. Our heroes take in as much news as they can and decide to make it an early night.  Day 3 awaits tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament day 1

Year of the Warrior Princess 
The Feast of the Moon

    It seems as if all of New Harbor wakes before dawn. Even as the dull orange sun creeps slowly over the eastern horizon, the fishermen have already crowded into their boats. They move swiftly, like blackened silhouettes dancing against dawn’s watercolor pallet, eerily silent except for the shuffling of ropes and oars, and the caws of their trained cormorants.  Marthysan greets the party when they rise and tells you that time is short and you should get going so you won't be late for the opening exhibition.  You find a steady stream of boats carrying contestants and observers who can afford passage across the bay to the seaside arena, while droves of locals follow the coastal path to the pavilion. The Grand Pavilion and surrounding fairgrounds lie deep within the cove, and feature a massive and elaborate combat arena specifically constructed for the tournament. Scores of colorful tents cram the grounds spreading from the wood almost to the water. A line of spectators stretches from the Grand Pavilion, waiting to enter the arena. Contestants are given priority, and red- and orange-clad monks usher the eclectic collection of warriors and battlemages into the arena to stand before the Emissary.  Loud music blares from the center stage but all quiets down as the Emissary enters. The curtains part, revealing the Emissary flanked by the oni Kiang Zhen and the previous Ruby Phoenix Champion, the half-elf paladin Marthysan the Righteous. Behind the Emissary, like motionless statues, stand no less than a dozen qinggong monks—his mystic disciples and bodyguards. As all watch rapt, the Emissary rises and addresses the crowd. “I am Sifu Xho Nuo—Emissary of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament and guardian of the legacy of Hao Jin, the once immortal sorceress in whose name you are gathered here to battle. To honor the Grandmaster’s legacy, I stand before you to carry out her final will: the thirty-first decennial Ruby Phoenix Tournament. Without further delay, we begin our first round of the contest. May the worthiest  win!” Upon his final words, the crowd erupts into clamorous applause, and the contestants scatter for
their respective seats or positions throughout the pavilion. The party are escorted by a group of silent usher monks and directed to the center of the fight stage to face their first opponents, the most skilled martial artists of the famed Monastery of the Enduring Spirit in Quain!
The Grand Pavilion
   The battle is fierce, but our heroes prevail.  They have passed the first challenge!  Riddick and Hannibal play up to the crowd and seem to get some support.  They certainly could use as many fans as they can get here in the foreign land.  In between the next match the group along with several other teams are invited to show the crowd skill at breaking various items using only their hands, feet and heads.  They don't fare too well, but they do manage to break all of the items.  They are allowed a few hours of rest when they are summoned back to do their daily exhibition match.  The daily exhibition matches are held to entertain the crowd and can be held off site near the pavilion or even in the pavilion if there is room in the schedule.  During the early rounds there won't be many open spots in the pavilion.  The opponents for the exhibition matches are former contestants, those that could not get into the tournament, and even monsters that have been captured in the past year by the church of Abadar!
The group receive word that they have been selected for one such exhibition, to be held in a small fighting ring a short distance from the Grand Pavilion. When they arrive, they find Kiang Zhen waiting for them with a large, closed sack at her feet. As several dozen onlookers watch eagerly from the stands, the oni directs them into the center of the ring before chanting something quietly over the sack and motioning in the PCs’ direction.  At Kiang Zhen’s gesture, a massive headless form marches into the ring carrying two fearsome axes. This undead giant serves the will of whoever possesses its head—the contents of the oni’s sack—and fights the party!  Seriade does a quick religion check and shouts "Its a Shenzuzhou!"  Shrugging, Hannibal and Riddick along with Rusty's Solomon, advance while Azten, Rusty, Landon, and Seriade fling spells from the rear.  After a few intense rounds go by they defeat the monster!  The crowd roars, and departs quickly as a cloud kill spell heads their way thanks to the monster.
A Shenzuzhou
     After the day’s events—32 official matches as well as many exhibition fights and tests of  skill—draw to a close, competitors progressing to the next round are treated to a great feast. Long tables filled with food and wine are set about the pavilion grounds while the crowds are entertained with drumming and dancing. As soon as the sun sets, the Emissary’s monks put on an impressive fireworks display over the cove.  Everyone enjoys the feast, but Riddick chooses to drink water instead of the wine that is offered.  The food and drink are delicious. Riddick and Landon notice Risha Coaltongue and her Zhentarium allies sitting with an intimidating and scar covered hobgoblin, all  drinking from their own wine skins and turning down offers of food or drink from the monks serving the feast.
    In the middle of the night, a very bad stomach virus hits everyone in the party except Riddick.  Several party members spend most of the night on the loo fighting off the effects of what Azten and Landon sense is poisoning, most likely from the wine given that Riddick was the only one not affected.  In the morning the party hears rumors of other participants also suffering the same symptoms as our group.  Someone is tampering with the tournament!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament day 0

Year of the Warrior Princess
   Our band of adventurers end up in Khalab during the festival of the Ruby Phoenix, which also coincides with the Faerunian holidy of the Feast of the Moon.  They enjoy the parade, and even take part in it.  Rusty summons several exotic creatures which the children love!  They board a boat the the island of Xieland where the tournament is to be held.  On the way over they meet an attractive blond woman by the name if Risha Coaltounge.  She talks up the party with Hannibal seeming interested in where they come from and what weapons they favor.  As the boat pulls into the harbor, Risha says farewell to Hannibal.  As contestants arrive, townsfolk shower them with cherry blossoms and hand out ceramic cups filled with warm, pungent liquor. The crowd forms a reception that
leads to the center of town, where a crowded noodle house, Yon Loi’s, serves as the hub of all activity in New Harbor. The noodle house is a large, open-air structure centered around a courtyard filled with long, shaded tables for commoners. Smaller round tables fill a roofed balcony surrounding the courtyard, from which wealthier patrons and the tournament elite may look over the establishment. The kitchen sits on the ground floor, behind a short partition. The townsfolk help in seating and serving the newly arriving contestants. Each receives a complimentary bowl of salty noodle soup containing fish and vegetables.  Here they meet up with Marthysan the Righteous, the previous tournament champion.  He immediately takes a liking to the group, and they learn his is from the Dalelands back in Faerun.  He offers them a place to say at his suite, it has plenty of room.  While the party is still eating they are challenged by several people to contests of strength and dexterity.  Hannibal and Riddick make for a good show and the townspeople enjoy what they see.  Before the group departs to rest at Marthysan's suite, a fellow competitor, Chung Po, challenges Hannibal to a non-lethal wrestling match.  Hannibal accepts and almost immediately regrets his decision!  He taps out in just 3 rounds, the crowd is amused.  Marthysan explains that getting the crowd on your side is almost a requirement with this tournament.  Having the crowd on your side can inspire you to greatness, if the crowd is against you they can make your combat all the harder. 
   As the previous champion, Marthysan was asked back by the emissary of the tournament to assist in judging contests.  The other assistant is Kiang Zhen, an evil oni, sworn to serve the church of Abadar and the emissary in these games.  The party will be expected to participate in one official contest each day (until they lose and are removed from the games), as well as taking part in exhibition matches on a daily basis.  The exhibition matches are against teams that didn't make the tournament, past tournament teams, or even captured monsters.  They hold these exhibition matches for mainly entertainment purposes.  There will also be several opportunities to enter skill challenges during their time here.  The tournament will last 5 days and feature 64 teams!  Our team gets to bed early in anticipation of a long day tomorrow.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

What is the Ruby Phoenix?

  Landon does some quick research while in Khalab...

     The sorceress Hao Jin left an indelible mark upon the land of Kara Tur. Throughout her centuries-long life, Hao Jin—a devout follower of Abadar, god of contracts, wealth, and order—set out to amass her own First Vault, a collection of those items she deemed most perfect or wondrous in all the world. Among the many Abadaran pacts and contracts that dictated Hao Jin’s life was her carefully contracted agreement with the temple of Abadar in Goka regarding the fate of her collection in the event of her eventual death.

    Fearful that her treasures would fall into the wrong hands or simply be lost to history, Hao Jin left strict instructions that were she not to set foot within the temple for 10 years and a day, on the 10 year anniversary of that occasion, an epic competition of martial arts was to be held, overseen
by the city’s Abadaran clergy; the winning team would be allowed to choose a single item as a prize for their victory. Not only would this prevent the collection from immediately being broken up, but it also ensured her life’s work would attain its own legendary immortality through the prestige the contest would bring. During her lifetime, many who knew of her will attempted to end her life prematurely, and many succeeded. But Hao Jin had contingencies in place to such a degree that even her most cunning and careful would be assassins underestimated her ability to return from
the dead. Each time an enemy killed her, she miraculously emerged unscathed days later, her red hair a shade more vibrant than before her death. Her ability to overcome death and the resemblance her hair soon had to an animated, flickering flame earned Hao Jin the nickname Ruby Phoenix, and over the centuries of her life, many believed her to be truly immortal. Yet in 6891 ic (Imperial Calendar; 4391 ar), a recordkeeper at Goka’s Grand Bank of Abadar informed the archbanker that a decade and a day had passed since the Ruby Phoenix last visited the temple. The conditions of her will had been
met. As no one had seen nor heard from the sorceress for several years, she was assumed to have finally met her end, and the preparations were made to conduct the first Ruby Phoenix Tournament 10 years later. That tournament also established the office of the Emissary, an Abadaran official appointed for life to run the proceedings. Each decennial since, the greatest champions from across Kara Tur and Faerun have vied for the victors’ spot, and most contestants have competed honorably and passionately.
    A decade ago, however, the Ruby Phoenix Tournament was the subject of a terrible scandal that resulted in the first disqualification of a contestant in over a century. The shamed competitor was the earth sorceress Wu Dizhen, who was caught callously and repeatedly cheating and had to be ejected from the contest. Among the most egregious of her crimes were employing her identical twin,
Wu Jufeng, as a body double (which allowed her to leave the island for healing and aid), using Wu Jufeng as outside aid during contests, and not sparing foes who forfeited bouts. Wu Dizhen’s crimes were discovered only moments prior to her entry into the final round of the contest, and her disqualification resulted in the automatic victory of her competitor, the paladin of Ilmater, Marthysan the Righteous.

The Ruby Phoenix Tournament

Year of the Warrior Princess
Uktar 27
    After a few well deserved days of rest our party is summoned to the Harper's guild hall and waiting for them there is Ellanzo!  They have not seen him since mid-Ches, almost 5 10-days ago.  He greets them and thanks them for their efforts.  He also has a very important favor to ask them.  Ellanzo explains to the group about the Famous Ruby Phoenix tournament that is held in far away Kara Tur (the Orient) every 10 years.  It is held on a small island near the city of Khalab on Brightstar Lake.  Khalab is considered to be in Kara Tur, but also shows up on most maps of Faerun on the far eastern edge.  There are several reasons he explains, but he only mentions one right now.  "There are 7 teams from Faerun that have been invited to the games, the 5 major factions and a team from the nations of the Whisper Gnomes and the Terra-Green Elves.  You will represent the Harpers of course, but also we need to you assess the other teams from Faerun as well as the ones from Kara Tur.  Find potential allies in the war against the World Scar.  He hands Hannibal an envelope "Take this and open it once you get to Nethentir in Thay.  Find our contact Grand Master Torch.  He is an independent operator that works for the Harpers on occasion.  He is an expert at "finding things"; he will find fast transportation for you to Khalab.  Traveling with you part of the way (at least until Nethentir) will be the team from the Emerald Enclave led by Willow Stongtree."  The last champion of the tournament 10 years ago is a half elf named Marthysan the Righteous, he is originally from the Dalelands north of Cormyr, seek him out once you get to the games, he could be an ally for us and you.
Our Group's Route

The Five Factions most active in Faerun:

The Harpers - A loose alliance of free peoples across Faerun
The Order of the Gauntlet - Followers of Help, Tyr and Torm
The Emerald Enclave - Rangers, Hunters, Druids and other nature types
The Lord's Alliance - City states from the Sword Coast that have militarized against the World Scar
The Zhentarium - A shadow network of Spies, Assassins, and Rogues.  Zhentil keep leadership

   The party leaves the next day along with the team representing the Emerald Enclave, led by Willow Strongtree.  Willow and Landon hit it off immediately and become fast friends.  They ride across the Sea of Fallen stars on large sea mammals and turtles courtesy of the druids they are with.  The party makes good speed and are dropped off near Emmech.  On the way to Nethentir they are waylaid by 4 Bone Devils and 4 Bearded Devils!  They are hard pressed and Landon pays the ultimate price with his death coming a few rounds into combat.  After the fight Willow offers to cast a reincarnate on Landon out of friendship.  The party debates for a while with Hannibal and Azten out voting Riddick to take Willow up on her offer.  Landon is reincarnated as a Lizardfolk!  The rest of the journey to Nethentir happens without incident.
    After passing though the gates of the city, Willow announces that her group will part ways with our adventurers, good luck on the rest of your trip she shouts with a smile as they head off.  Hannibal opens the letter from Ellanzo.  It states they are to find Grand Master Torch at a brothel and to tell him some code words so he knows they are the ones he was paid to help.  Ellanzo also writes that another reason they are in the tournament is that the winner gets to take one item from a horde of items the Ruby Phoenix collected over her many hundreds of  years life.  One of these items the Harpers believe is a part of a very, very ancient artifact that can help them reverse Lolth's ritual. Hannibal has a drawling of the artifact to help them find it when the time comes.
    It takes a few hours but they find Grand Master Torch in a run down brothel in a seedy part of town.  He tells them he can help but needs them to "borrow" two artifacts from the Museum of Antiquities on display there in a section called "Elberron".  He gives them some cards from a modified Deck of Illusions that will render them invisible for 2 hours.  They sneak in near closing time and head to the Elberron area and duck into the bathroom.  They use the cards and then work on a plan to "borrow" the two items they need.  An unfortunate janitor got in the way of Riddick and was assassinated by him in cold blood.  The party figures out how to steal the items and makes their escape!   They head back to the brothel and Torch.  He takes the items, one he keeps for himself, the other he attaches to a carpet of flying!  They carpet will guide them to Khalab without the need for a map, very nice.
    On the way out of the city they are chased by police riding their own carpets!  A game of cat and mouse ensues with Hannibal using every bit of his ride skill to our maneuver the police and escape over the city walls!  As the group journeys out of Thay and into strange lands they are accosted by a group of Jinn.  Hannibal remembers the Thayian token he exchanged with Odolan back at the tower of Skullshank and the Jinn let them pass without issue.  Several more days go by and the party finally enters Khalab.  They descend and see the city is in the midst of a huge festival, the Festival of the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, the very one they will enter and try to win!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Skullshank and the Sinking Spire part 2

Year of the Warrior Princess
Uktar 23
    After taking a short rest our party continues to explore the tower.  They encounter a reading lounge with a hidden door running the length of the wall.  The hidden area is a permanent Magnificent Mansion!  They plan on coming back and making this one of their bases. (If they can keep the tower from sinking into Tar, which may be difficult since none of them are trained in engineering).  Several rooms offer some challenges the hardest so far is a Tar Roper that makes some trouble for our heroes. The room after this is perhaps the most difficult one faced so far.  With the tower on a 15% slope they enter a room that used to be a lab but now all they see is broken glass.  Riddick attempts to move across the room, but is surprised by a Imp in the form of a hyena!  The hyena trips Riddick and Riddick slides under a pile of junk and out of the tower through a hole in the wall!  Joining him two rounds later is Hannibal!  Riddick and Hannibal start to take damage from the extremely hot tar which burns for several rounds after they get out of it.  The rest of the party led by Landon and Azten dispatch the imp as Riddick and Hannibal climb up the tower.  They find a very important jewel in a broken display case, this will aid the Harpers greatly.  Also in the room is a Helm of Brilliance which Hannibal dons proudly.  In the final room they find two injured agents of Thay, Odolan and Virkus, both sent here on the same type of mission as our party.  After some parley in the form of diplomacy from Hannibal, both sides agree to part in peace.  As a symbol of respect and a possible future alliance, Hannibal gives Odolan his Harper's pin and Ololan gives Hannibal his Thayian badge.  The group then makes the long trek back to Saerloon.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Skullshank and the Sinking Spire

Year of the Warrior Princess
Uktar 23

    Our party has rested and are creating items to aid themselves in the upcoming fight for Faerun.  During this down time they are approached once more by one of the Harper leaders and are asked to investigate the hidden tower of the Wizard Skullshank for any magical artifacts or tomes that might aid the Harpers.  (He happens to have been the brother of Shendankin the Sorcerer).
   What they are told of Skullshank is that he was known to be an expert on summoning evil creatures from the outer planes.  These are the same type of creatures that are streaming out of the World Scar since Lolth's ritual went awry. His hidden tower was rumored to be on the middle of The Vast Swamp, near the border of Sembia and Cormyr, not much more than a few day's ride from Saerloon.
Map of the vicinity the party is at now.
    After several days of investigating the swamp, they come upon a clearing cut from the very forest itself.  The clearing stretches several hundred yards across, dominated by the black twisted spire they have been seeking.  The tower lists to one side, leaning slightly to the east at a 15 degree slant.  Rumors led them to believe that the tower was 5 or 6 stories tall, but only 3 sections can be seen.  They also realize the tower is in the middle of a tar pit 100 years across!  Riddick scouts ahead and spots some type of contraption made of metal on the far side of the clearing so they move to investigate.  They get to the structure but no one has training in engineering so they can't make anything out of this mysterious device.  Before they can set out, they are attacked by two large Deinonychus!  These large reptiles are strong and dangerous, but stupid.  Hannibal and Landon use tactics to their advantage while Azten fires spells and moves away to a safe distance.  After several rounds the beasts are dead and our party works out a plan to get to the tower without going through the tar pit.  They settle on casting fly Hannibal so he can carry over those that can't fly or levitate themselves.  Half the group makes it to the top of the tower while the other half is on its way.  Before they get there a Black Dragon attacks!  He announces that his name is Tarfoot and that he is Skullshank's tower guardian.  The party looks to be in some trouble when the fight breaks out.  Luckily, Azten is there to cast a spell on Tarfoot that reduces his intelligence and other mental skills to that of a mere animal.  The fight is still hard, but not nearly what it could have been.
    The remainder of the party makes it to the tower and they enter from the top.  Riddick is in the lead scouting ahead followed by Hannibal, Landon, Azten, Rusty, and Seriade.  As they go room to room, they encounter an Assassin Vine, a trapped Chaos Beast (which was handled expertly by a wall of fire), and a lab and library filled with strange equipment.  Some decent loot was found along with several maps of magical ley lines (some running through the World Scar), and a few books on devil and demon summoning.  Having explored the top and middle levels, they decide to take a short rest before clearing out the last level.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Sorcerer Shendankin part 2

Year of the Warrior Princess

   Back in Saerloon, our party rests and tries to figure out where to go next.  Since they are supposed to sound the Horn of Tudines over deep water they decide to head on to the Lone Ait.  They are offered a free ride aboard a deep sea fishing vessel as thanks for helping the city with the ship King Xeros.  After several days they are getting close to the small atoll and at this point the decide to sound the horn.  Something marvelous happens, the largest sea turtle they have ever seen or imagined comes to the surface!  It seems to wait for them to do something.  After a while the party notices there is some kind of odd construction on the top of the turtle and they go and investigate.
Hannibal sounding the Horn of Tudines
   They find a lever at the top of the turtle's shell and use it to open a hatch inside the strange beast!  There are several twisting passages and in one room they run into several dead pirates, perhaps looters that Shendankin caught and imprisoned here?  At the end of the passageway they come across a large jellyfish suspended in mid air with treasure inside it.  Riddick skillfully slices open the "chest" and finds what they are seeking: A key to the prison where the sea princess is being help captive.
Not Riddick getting attacked by the jellyfish.

    Our intrepid band of adventures then heads onto the Lone Ait.  The water surrounding the Lone Ait is oddly still and black. The breakers that lap the islet’s shores are slow, ponderous things that
glisten with an iridescent sheen. A rich, chemical odor, like warm pitch, hangs in the air and they notice several spots of white dotting the black tide. A closer look reveals these to be the dead bodies
of sea birds. With that realization, it becomes clear: the Lone Ait sits in the middle of a great patch of tarry water! A body of primordial asphalt burbles to the surface here to form an eternal oil slick around the islet, trapping birds and discouraging visitors to this barren hunk of rock.  The prison itself stands 40 feet tall and about 200 feet square.  Opening up the door they see that the floor is covered in a mix of sea water and pitch.  Dropping a torch in here could be dangerous!  Riddick leads the party onward followed by Hannibal, Seriade and Landon.  Rusty and Azten decide to stay on the fishing boat to make sure it stays there so they are not stranded.
   As the party progress from room to room they over come several challenges, a cave-in room that is unstable, and the ever present tar that presents a danger.  Each room seems to have odd symbols and they spend some time recording these.  They finally make it to the princess' prison chamber and find her in a water bubble along with two hand maidens.  They free her from the bubble and start to carry them outside.  Something feels wrong... It is!  Its a trap!  The princess and her handmaidens change and they attempt to tear into the helpful adventurer's necks. The party notices a sudden change overtakes their formerly comely features. The princess' face acquires a shark-like aspect. Her eyes turn completely black, her mouth elongates, and rows of razor-sharp teeth replace her smile. Her handmaidens transform into horrific mixtures of a woman and grouper.
    The princess battles the party, she ridicules them for releasing her, telling them the truth about her imprisonment and mocking them for negating all of Shadankin’s efforts to save her. The Imperatrix laughs as she relishes both the PCs’ imminent destruction and the genocide she plans for her former subjects beneath the sea.  What a combat!  They slay the princess and one hand maiden, the other one a spell caster that escapes and is not seen again. 
    While on the return trip, they come across an emissary from the kingdom beneath the sea.  He thanks the PCs for the service they unwittingly rendered to the people of Ru. He reveals the full tale of Queen Cealheewhalool, pausing to produce her crown, now repaired and gleaming, free from the corrosion and filth that discolored it for so long. When the crown returned to Ru, the emissary says the people knew their cursed queen was at peace, free of evil’s taint. Ancient magics tied to the crown led him to the PCs and he’s come to reward them for ending the Imperatrix’s long nightmare.  He gives them each a black pearl with magical properties!  The group finally makes it back to Saerloon for a well earned rest.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Sorcerer Shendankin part 1

Year of the Warrior Princess
   Several days ago, while the party was in Old Rachikan, they picked up an old carving of a sea maiden while looting the cleric of Asmodeus.  That night they all had a dream of a beautiful sea maiden, the one depicted on the carving.  She explained that she was being held prisoner by a power sorcerer named Shendankin. She was being held in a prison called the Lone Ait, and that she is getting weaker and will die if not rescued; she also offers a large sum of pearls and sea gems upon rescue.  Now before the group left to aid Saerloon with the mysterious King Xeros, Landon asked that their lore master looking into the sorcerer and the name Lone Ait.
   A few days after the party returned, the lore master told them several things.  One, the sorcerer Shendankin was known in these parts as a recluse that had a tower some 20 miles up the coast line.  Most people remember him as being quiet, mysterious, and not very friendly.  Two, the Lone Ait is a very small atoll some 3 days out to sea.  It is so small it doesn't even show up on most maps.
   The party decides to investigate the sorcerer's tower, even though that may be the more dangerous option.  Thanks to Hannibal's cadences they make the trip in record time!  They spy the old tower about 50 yards out to sea off the cliff face.  There is a stone ramp connecting the shore and tower, which the group uses to gain entrance.  There is an odd first room with many murals on the walls:
The front hall of the Tower of Shendankin

    The party continues into the tower and have several fights with Sea Morlocks!  The most exciting of the battles takes place in a room where the floor is 40 feet down but to get across to the exit they need to hop to and from on suspended tortoise shells!  They eventually make they way down to the lower level and discover several more murals one depicting a horn inside a very large clam, and what appears to be Shendankin inside some weird suit:
Another mysterious mural
     Later the party discovers some barrels that contain some of these weird suits, and from there down a long passageway is a huge underground sea lake.  In the middle of this lake is the clam from the mural however it is guarded by a 15 foot long hammerhead shark!  Rusty's summons keep the shark at bay for a decent amount of time but it does take some attacks against Riddick.  Landon (wearing one of the suits) is smart enough to hide under the clam while the melee types continue the attack.  At one point the shark takes a good amount of damage and begins to frenzy!  After several touch-and-go rounds our heroes defeat the the monster and retrieve the horn from the clam. They lean it is called the Horn of Tudines, and it has an inscription of: "Sound me over waters deep to raise the treasurers that you seek".  What does this mean?  Surely this tower is not over waters deep...  Is it related to the Lone Ait? Our group ponders this question on the way back to Saerloon to rest and resupply for what appears to be an sea voyage.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

King Xeros Returns!

Year of the Warrior Princess
Uktar 14

     Our group has just returned to Saerloon, their base of operations away from home in Waterdeep.  They are approached by Harbor master Kim Leigh, who in a rushed voice calls them into his office.  The legendary King Xeros has appeared in our harbor!  The group agrees to investigate this potentially dangerous ship and sails out to the vessel.  The "ship" is an amazing feat of engineering, and is made to just not sail on the water but also across planes of existence.  When the party arrives, there seems to be a large commotion going on the top deck, it appears the harbor guard went aboard early and tripped some automated alarms!  After a hectic fight they are able to save most of the guards from the defenses (thanks to Rusty's summon spells that soak up attacks) and continue with their search.  Riddick has some difficulty with the dangerous traps and loses several levels that leave him at less than 100% capacity.  With only a partial party, Seriade, Hannibal, and Riddick descend below decks past the trap room.  They are soon attacked by some stealthy Xill, and almost perish if not for the clever use of Hannibal's leadership and abilities.  Soon after the remainder of the group joins the party and they welcome Landon and Rusty.  They rest of the ship is explored and the main antagonist appears to be a xenophage creeper, a plant like being that mentally controls its foes.  It was using captured creatures to fuel the ship.  Once this thing was destroyed, the auto-pilot resumed control and the group barely made it off the vessel before it shifted to somewhere deep on the Astral plane!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Into old Rachikan

Year of the Warrior Princess

    After meeting with Ellanzo and a retired Harper, Benton Grone, the group decides it is now time to shake the rust off and continue their adventuring Benton explains that his nephew has gone missing.

    One week ago, Benton Grone, a retired Harper and Eldis’ uncle, approached the Ellanzo for help. Benton explained that two months earlier, he received a letter from his nephew requesting a meeting. Eldis never showed up and Benton feared the worst. Benton begged the Harpers to send agents to return his nephew and gave the Society information on lost Rachikan’s location. He provided the Harpers with a tarnished coin displaying the undeniable mark of the Jistka Imperium, a temple-foundry. More importantly,the Harpers immediately recognized a familiar landmark in the background, the Pillars of Anferita.

    The group has teleported into  Cormyr and from there took a ship to the Pillars.  The Pillars are located to the North of the Sea of Stars just south of the World Scar.  As they were scaling the Pillars of Anferita, they were attacked by Erinyes!  Luckily Riddick was able to levitate and Landon hit them with effective spells.  Hannibal and Rusty were more hampered, but they defeated their enemy and gain a couple of nice flaming bows as loot.  At the top of the Pillars, they came upon some guards directing slaves. They were able to push past them somewhat easily and continued into a building at the top of the Pillars.  Here they found one of the leaders - a fallen Harper named Talia!  After a hectic mine car chase, and a well placed force spell by Landon, they put an end to Talia and her crew.  Walking down the rest of the way our party enters an dilapidated building from the top entrance.  After walking down a few stairs they are ambushed by a tribe of Morlocks!  These simple (but dangerous) denizens of the ruins of old Rachikan put up a bloody fight against the party but were defeated.  In the end Hannibal parlayed with their leader and made an honorable exchange of weapons.  Hannibal gave up a well worn but working long bow, and their leader gave Hannibal an old artifact.  Their leader also warned Hannibal to make haste, that more Morlocks would soon come and he did not hold sway over them.  The party hurried to their final destination, the Temple Foundry of Rachikan.  As the group approached the foundry, they were stopped outside by the enemy leader, a Thayian Cleric of Asmodeus!  He mocked the group, and started combat with them.  Hidden among the temple pillars were his followers, many using stealth.  The fight went on for several minutes, as the cleric's followers also had pet wolves that joined the fray.  The enemy was eventually vanquished, and they found that Eldis was indeed dead, having been killed and then turned into a zombie by the evil cleric.  With heavy hearts the group quickly leaves the broken city, as they can see see many Morlocks pouring in from the ourskirts.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Year of the Star Walker's Return
Ches 24
Ellanzo Loyalar, The Open Lord of Waterdeep, Ches 24 - personal memoir:
     Today I sent Hannibal and his league of companions off on an important quest.  The Lords of the Sword Coast have gathered our resources to pool knowledge to combat the Word Scar and these damn rifts that have been plaguing the lands for the last few months.  The wise are gathering at Myth Drannor to seek what insight they may from the gods.  What can I do?  Keep peace as long as I may I suppose.  The proletariat has put their trust in us, we must at least keep the illusion of law and order even if the world is plunging into darkness.
      My old friend and retired Harper, Benton Grone came to me with a problem.  His nephew seemed to have discovered the lost city of Rachikan, and brought back some old coins as proof.  Now it looks like his nephew has been abducted and he has asked me for help.  Is it just a coincidence that the World Scar and Rachikan are so close together?  Could some long lost knowledge be brought back to aid our fight against the demons and devils that spew from this god forsaken tear in the fabric of existence?
     My son, Jax and Leif I have made commanders in Waterdeep.  As sons of the city there is no question where their loyalties lie and I am sure they will give me their all in defense of the city and our surroundings.  It looks as if Hannibal has gathered some new friends to replace his old ones.  The drow woman he brought back looks amazingly like Riddick, but what do I know, those damn drow look all alike to me.  That Landon kid they convinced to join with them down in the under-dark seems to be a friendly sort.  He looks to have found his true faith since he has come to the surface.  I can appreciate a holy warrior more than most, but I feel sorry for him, he looks as if a stiff breeze may blow him over.  The summoner traveling with them calls himself Rusty, I am not sure what to make of this creature.
     I have arranged for our mages to teleport the party as far as Cormyr, from there I have made arrangements for a sloop to carry them as far as they can go.  I will say a prayer to Lathander for them.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Days Grow Dark


Year of the Star Walker's Return
Ches 22

     Much has changed since my son's brave band returned from Moil.  Lolth's epic ritual brought unexpected consequences upon the land.  A large scar as appeared north of the Sea of Stars.  Scholars and the wise have called this the "World Scar".  It now appears that this large crevasse is indeed growing.  Out of it a constant stream of Demons and Devils come raiding and killing all in their path.  A call to arms has come from the area and all good people are needed to aid in the defense of the lands.  On top of this, rumors flow of rifts opening up at a moments notice to other dimensions and other worldly creatures pouring out while the rift remains open.  So far these rifts have been few and far between and we hope they can be eliminated all together.  The wise have called a council in Myth Drannor.  The greatest of Faerun's mighty were summoned: Elminster of Shadow Dale, Khelban Blackstaff of Waterdeep, and Elladon of Myth Drannor to name a few.
    Magic, that ever fickle mistress has been harder to harness, clerics sense a further distance from their gods.  The rift seems to be the center of a singularity that is disrupting magical travel and communications near it.  The Harpers have taken a lead on investigating this mystery.  If nothing else the current events have bought people closer together.  Most nation's petty squabbles are now put aside until this threat can be extinguished.

- Ellanzo, Lord Protector of Waterdeep and the open Lord of Waterdeep.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A dream comes to you...


Year of the Wanderer's Arrival
Alturiak 1
Scene - Children running out of an old wooden classroom, one drow child remains behind.  The teacher, a young female drow approaches her.
Miss Laeru, please tell me again about the time that was before!  Child, sweet Condix, you have an obsession with ancient history!  Condix: But I love hearing about all the old heroes like Zecks and Riddick!  Laeru: Child!  Where did you hear of Riddick?  That tale we usually don't teach the children until they are much older, since it can scare the young.  Condix: But please tell me something about them please!  Laeru: If that will get you outside for recess then yes I will teach you the rhyme of Riddick's sons:

Riddick was a dark elf of a failed house.
Lolth that was hunted his family until Riddick was alone.
She beg and beg to have him for her,
he spurned her seven times and was punished. 
As part of his pain she made seven gains, 
each to a priestess and one to Lolth.
They became the seven and were added to Lolth that was' star.

Auvry - The wise ruler of new Waterdeep
Irrinid - The sorcerer, he who walks unseen
G'eldnetdar - The Fell Joker
Belaxle - The Knower of Secrets
Rhylvend - Paladin of the Anti-gods
Vornyrd  - Hunter of Elladon, ruiner of Myth Drannor, slayer of Silvera, Unholy Terrror
Micartran - The unfaithful, he who is unwelcome

Friday, April 11, 2014

Hannibal's Journal - Ches 20 1490

My purpose is clear and organizing my thoughts in my journal has reinforced that. I have notified Piergeiron the Paladinson of my intention to pursue a resolution to the Lolth situation and have resigned my commissions to Waterdeep.

Riddick, Landon, Azten and I will now gather information from allies and find new companions to take the fight to Lolth!

Hannibal's Journal - Ches 14 1490

Much has changed in Faerun since we escaped the foul domain of Ascerak.  While the immediate threat to Waterdeep has been turned back, the diabolical goals of Lolth's ritual have become manifest.  The world itself is seemingly being torn apart and with it our group and my loyalties.

Across all of Faerun, portals to the Abyss and fouler dimensions have opened, spilling demons in vast numbers across the countryside.  The nations of Faerun have (for the most part) put aside their petty squabbles and united to stem the tide...barely.  The losses have been appalling, cities razed to the ground; entire tracts of land simply vanishing into swirling vortexes of Chaos.  The just and honorable death of the Chronepsis has been replaced with the foul wrongness of Faluzure.

No nation has been spared and I must decide where I should lend my sword and banner.  What of the loyalties to my comrades and friends, my duties to Waterdeep...where will my efforts affect the greatest benefit in a world turned upside down?

It is this uncertainty that has me organizing my thoughts in my new journal.

Where we stand now:

My comrades - From the start, we were an unlikely band of misfits.
Jax, a wizard doomed to die at 30.
Leif, a shaman so distraught by his father's death that he was able to manifest him from beyond the grave.
Krux, an outcast from a monastery on another plane of existence.
Diovanni, the son of a noble paladin who was never quite good enough for his father.
Brolgar, a dwarven mercenary cast out of his homeland.
Riddick, a drow, last of his family line, hunted like a dog by his dark race.
And I, a disgraced soldier, who gave up his honored place at the Arkosian Academy for a love that was never returned.

Along the way, we befriended other outcasts:
Solomon Kong, a "warforged" warrior from a different world who stood as a statue for centuries before we released him.
Azten Anlagg, a doomed prisoner of the Drow who had the courage to take up the fight against his captors after we freed him.
"Landon", a badly mistreated Drow who gained his freedom by overcoming his mistresses and was essential for our escape from the Underdark.

This unlikely group of heroes has overcome enormous odds to repeatedly turn back threats to Waterdeep and play a pivotal role in defeating the last Drow invasion of the surface world.  We are now close friends, bound by staring down the Unblinking Eye and coming out alive.  We have become an effective fighting unit and I would lay down my life for any one of them.

Unfortunately, we are at a crossroads.

Brolgar died valiantly in the war with the Drow.
Jax, Leif, and Diovanni have gone home to Waterdeep to defend it against the Abyssal onslaught.
Brother Krux has been elevated to the head of his monastery and left for the Astral Plane to deal with political intrigue that threatens the existence of his Order.
Solomon Kong never recovered from the foul magic of Ascerak's lair. The most powerful mages and clerics of Waterdeep were employed. We even gained the aid of Artificers from his home world of Eberron.  Unfortunately, his diminutive, donkey-headed form couldn't recover. We interned him in Waterdeep with a monument that emphasized the noble warrior he was.

That has left Riddick, Landon, Azten, and I to determine how we deal with Lolth's Curse.  While all of us have reason to hate the Drow; Riddick, Landon and Azten have very personal reasons. 

I find a return to Waterdeep to be very enticing.  The Lords of the Shining City have honored me with titles and responsibility.  They helped me move beyond the disgrace of the Arkosian Academy and to realize my potential.  But that seems like a defensive move.

Of all the cities in Faerun, they have the most resources to mount a defense against this Abyssal threat.  I feel my duty is to protect all the people of Faerun.  The best defense is a good offense and we must find where to strike to end Lolth's Affliction.

My decision weighs upon me. I've found myself withdrawing from my comrades while I mull over my possible paths and responsibilities.  I've taken to using the surprisingly wise Josesphus as a sounding board. I hope that my friends don't find me crazy confiding in a doorknob!