Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Fae Wild and some other crazy stuff...

Year of the Warrior Princess
Nightal 19

The party recovers from their tough fight, and goes on to explore the rest of the room. You find an odd brazier that is suspended over an off sun dial. After examining it they move on to the main complex. Inside the first room, an odd puzzle is found along with many murals covering the walls. the puzzle actually is related to the brazier from the previous room so Leif pieces the solution together fairly fast. Riddick on a whim, sticks the key from the whirlpool into the mural with the large doors and everyone hears a far away click! Unfortunately, the path South is blocked by an immovable door so they must venture East. They come upon a weird game room, and manage to beat phantom players at various games. Conjuring advanced moves from past adventurers such as Zecks and Synge certainly help a great deal.
The Eastern most room holds a very interesting combat, enemies enchanted to look like each party member attack the group! Using their insight skills well, they avoid healing the bad clones and hurting their friends by accident, after several bloody rounds the party manage to defeat the room. In the room is a level which Riddick pulls, which lifts the large stone door blocking the South passage.
Inside the South passage is an oddly shaped room, with 3 cairns in one end and an open area to the other side with a lot if ivy growing on the walls. The ivy is some crazed Fae like being! Busting out of the cairns are three undead, one of them a large sized Furbolg. The Ivy spent most of the fight pinning the leaders to her walls while the undead monsters beat on the poor group. There were some close calls but the party killed off the undead and then ranged the ivy to death.
All that seems left to the crazed area is the passage South, will this finally be the end? Can they stop the madness from taking over more of the Fae Wild and help save Cormyr from unneeded bloodshed?

Exp: 2128

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