Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winterhaven part 2

The party has just swept clean the cult inside of Winterhaven and has two choices, either travel to the dig site or to the old keep. They decide to travel to the keep and scout out a fairly large contingent of Duregar dwarves coming and going with pick axes, carts and other such tools. They decide to enter the ancient keep and scout around. Thanthus and Gix decide to parley instead of out right attacking the Dwarves, and they are able to make some new friends! (Well sort of, they promise to kill off their master as long as they stay out of the fight.) They make the deal with Duergar cheif Blue Rock and continue on to find the high priest. They eventually find the priest and interrupt his ritual. After fighting him and his wight followers they find a strange and hidden room where only they can enter. At the end of the room is the first Draconic sigil! Critter grabs the sigil and a voice in his heads speaks: "Seek Karavakos!" Clan Drakka has finally begun the quest to regain the sigils and restore dragons to their rightful place in Faerun.

- Posted Elasias 1, DR 1479

EXP. - 2025

Items found: Ostridge Bone bleeder, exotic weapon 1d8 + 1, + 10 points continuous damage until removed. Can remove with a heal check 15, failure removes the bleeder but subject takes an extra 10 points of damage.

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